Gathering of Academic Indigenous and Native Americans (GAIN)

获得的标志 The Indigenous and Native American Faculty and Staff Affinity Group seeks to:
  • 建立社区
  • 促进能见度
  • provide support for 菠菜网lol正规平台’s Indigenous and Native American Faculty and Staff through campus activities and initiatives.


请访问我们的网页 GAIN事件图像,包括:

  • 11-30-2023. Assemblymember Ash Kalra presents GAIN with Leadership in 教育 Award
  • 11-23-2023. Native American Heritage Spartan Football Game



圣何塞州立大学’s Protocol for Curation, Inventory, and Repatriation of Native American Remains Subject to the Native American and Graves Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and CalNAGPRA (California NAGPRA)
Presidential Directive (PD-2023-01)

Respecting the dignity of our Native American and Indigenous communities – past, present and future – is of the utmost importance for the CSU system in general, and San José 特别是国家. Our university maintains an extensive collection of Native American artifacts and human remains that is protected by state and federal laws. 当一个州 auditor earlier this year commended 菠菜网lol正规平台 for its compliance with these laws, there is still a need to ensure the continued protection of these items and ancestors until we reach our goal of complete repatriation.


Assistant Professor of Native American and Indigenous Studies

圣何塞州立大学 Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary 社会科学s (SISS) invites applications for an Assistant Professor of Native American and Indigenous Studies position emphasizing California native communities, the urban Indigenous experience, community research, and decolonizing methodologies. Responsibilities include teaching Native American and Indigenous Studies courses, building the program’s curriculum, and helping to develop a minor and a B.A. 学位.


Guillory-Lacy V.沃伦·J.马洛伊,K.阿基诺,E., & 波旁,S. (2024)他们 Qualitative Research: “A TribalCrit Approach to the Study of Native American and Indigenous Students at an MSI” SAGE Diversifying and                 Decolonizing Research methods. 2024年初接受. 

马洛依K. J.,蕾丝,V. S.波旁(de Bourbon). L.阿基诺,E., & 沃伦,我.-A. (2023). Native American and Indigenous Student Experience at 圣何塞州立大学 [pdf] Internal Report to 菠菜网lol正规平台 政府.


For information about joining GAIN, 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty and staff group, please contact:

克里•J. 马洛依
Assistant Professor, GAIN Secretary
408-924-4461  |  Clark Hall 414J

NAGPRA Tribal Liaison, GAIN Secretary
408-924-5703  |  Clark Hall 404N


Vice President: Veneice Guillory-Lacy
Co- Secretaries: Kerri 马洛依 and Alisha Ragland
Co- Treasurers:  Maria Cruz and Soma de Bourbon

