

On January 6, 2021, the nation watched in horror as rioters entered the United States 国会大厦推迟选举团计票. 累积效应 of years of misinformation, polarization and elevated rhetoric have resulted in a 严重受损的民主制度. 随着下一代领导人接手 在民主复兴的计划中,他们需要:

  • 打击互联网错误信息的传播,
  • Look beyond online echo-chambers and internet outrage language to build a healthier 在线公共领域,以及
  • Rebuild institutions that have systematically disadvantaged our most vulnerable communities 通过公民行动.

Our Civic Literacy, Actioning, and Reasoning in Online Networks (CLARION) project 的部门之间的合作 教师教育 and 儿童及青少年发展 at the 菠菜网lol正规平台 卢里教育学院 to create new models of civic education that 定位青年参与美国.S. 今天的民主,而不是过去的民主 存在了435年吗.

We work with youth, educators 和社区 partners to design curricula and create learning environments that put youth voices at the center and support them to become 为他们的社区提供信息,授权和道德的倡导者. 我们从学生的 lived experiences and ask how they can use social media and digital tools to learn 谈论、讨论并努力解决我们面临的问题. 


数字时代的公民参与需要什么样的技能? 我们的概念框架 for online civic inquiry, discourse, and action consists of 3 primary components with 吸引学生的9个子部分:



  • 信息搜索与管理| Using advanced search strategies and manage large volumes of information
  • 批判性分析| 评估网上信息的可信度. 并在校外实践这些习惯
  • 信息综合| Integrating information from formal sources and informal personal testimony/experience 告知个人观点


  • 协同对话| Adopting conversational moves that establish common goals, invite multiple perspectives, 促进共同推理
  • 审慎推理| Framing questions, elaborating and critiquing diverse options based on evidence, 综合解决方案
  • 决策| 就公民行动的决策进行合作

Civic Action

  • 公众参与| Using the internet to express and advocate for their political views constructively
  • 信息共享| Sharing online information ethically and strategically to foster public discourse 和社区
  • 倡导与行动| Using the internet as a resource to find or organize opportunities to take civic 与有关联盟合作采取行动.


Core Team





在世界各地,我们看到了青年行动主义的爆炸式增长. 社交媒体扮演了 在帮助青年表达意见方面发挥重要作用. 我们在网上也知道 comments can be brutal and people can feel silenced, especially those who are just 学会表达自己的政治观点. 所以我们问,是什么创造了条件 对于富有成效的在线公民话语? 观看这个视频了解更多!



  • Middaugh, E. (审查). 公民话语中的网络冲突:偶然的影响 曝光青年公民参与.
  • Middaugh, E. (2019). 不仅仅是事实:促进时代的公民媒体素养 of outrage. 皮博迪教育杂志. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2019.1553582
  • Middaugh, E. (2018). 跨媒体世界中的公民媒体素养:平衡个人 experience, factual accuracy and emotional appeal as media consumers and circulators. 媒介素养教育,10(2),33-52. http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/jmle/vol10/iss2/3


  • Felton, M. & Crowell, A. (in press). 作为合作企业的论证: A study of dialogic purpose and dialectical relevance in novice and experienced arguers. 非形式逻辑.
  • Hendriks, F.梅威格-鲍斯,E., Felton, M.奥达诺,K., Jucks, R., & Zimmermann, M. (2020). Constraints and Affordances of Online Engagement With Scientific Information—A 文献综述. 心理学前沿,11,3458. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.572744
  • Felton, M., Crowell, A.加西亚-米拉,M. & Villarroel C. (2019). 捕捉协作 论证:一种编码协商对话的分析方案. 学习、认知 和社会互动. 预在线出版物DOI: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2019.100350
  • Felton, M.加西亚-米拉,M.C .维拉罗尔. 和S .吉尔伯特. (2015). 认为合作: Argumentative discourse types and their potential for knowledge building. British 教育心理学报,28 (5):372-386.


  • Kornbluh. M., Bell, S., Vierra, K.赫兹施塔特,Z. (2021). 抵抗空间:检查 the relationship between cross-cultural leadership programming and school engagement. 青少年研究杂志. DOI: 10.1177/07435584211006920
  • Kornbluh, M., Johnson, L., Hart, M. (2021). 玻璃天花板的碎片:探索 批判意识的多层次建构. 美国社区心理学杂志. http://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12512
  • Kornbluh, M., Neal, J. W., & Ozer, E. J. (2016). 扩大青年主导的社会正义 努力通过在线学校为基础的社会网络. 美国社区杂志 心理学,57(3-4),266-279. DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12042


  • Felton, M.米德尔,E. and Fan, H. (2021). 事实不能为自己说话:讨论 三个Reddit社区中关于Covid-19的证据. 在双年展上发表论文 Meeting of the European Association for Research in Teaching and Learning.
  • Middaugh, E. & Felton, M. (2021). 在社交媒体上捕捉细微差别:关注 role of platform, topic and dialogic aims in online political discourse. 论文发表 在Pragmasophia.
  • Middaugh, E., Felton, M., & Fan, H. (2021). “人们有时会变得非常苛刻。 青年通过社交媒体参与当代问题. 提交研讨会文件 at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
  • Middaugh, E., Felton, M., & Fan, H. (2020). 建立富有成效的在线公民话语: Examining the intersection of platform, issue and individual aims. 提交小组报告 在2020年互联网研究人员协会会议上. 爱尔兰都柏林.


  • ChAD 76: Child Development among Media and Emerging Technologies. 本课程满足 D区GE要求,并将于2022年春季提供. 查看ChAD 76教学大纲 (谷歌文档)


The 号角项目 is supported by several generous funding sources: